Sunday 29-03-2020
Welcome! We encourage you to begin at 10am. However we understand not everyone can make that time. So you are welcome to stream the service at anytime – If you can, please quickly register and leave a comment saying hello.
This YouTube clip is a Playlist containing the whole service.
The service will play through from start to finish.
Below is the same service order broken up into each part.
Then scroll to the bottom of the page to comment.

Thank you 🙂 Chris & Jayne
thank you Jason for a wonderful service.
Thank you
Thanks Jason for your input in getting this service online Blessya Leanne
Good morning church. Note: you can also stream on a smart tv by going to our YouTube channel and choosing…
Hello everyone, welcome to our first Virtual Sunday Service! Please signup/login above and add a comment below to say hello!
Hi guys. Can’t wait!
Hi Will. welcome!
Hi look forward to joining in @ 10:00 🙂
Good Morning McDonough Family!
Jason and co…… really appreciate the time you have taken to put this service together
Well done!
Morning all
hello Leanne Monthomery – pleased to meet you
Thank you Jason and others involved in getting this together. Looking forward to the meeting at 10 🙂
You can also stream from a Smart TV on YouTube: Search for “Living Waters Loxton SUNDAY 29-03-2020” to find the playlist.
looking forward to church this morning 🙂
Morning everyone
good morning Chioma x Looking forward to Zootea/wi tomorrow
Hello everyone from Nina and Craig
good morning Nina and Craig x
Stream from a Smart TV on YouTube: Search for “Living Waters Loxton SUNDAY 29-03-2020”
Sandra Gray
Hi everyone
Thank you everyone for the service. It means so much to see familiar faces who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless you all
good morning Sandra x
Hi Church Family. Love Maryann and Shayne.
hello and good morning, Maryann and Shane
oops that should have been Shayne.. sorry
Well put together Jaosn and team… We are blessed to have technology to enable us to continue to have church in a slightly different way… Have a blessed day everyone
good morning all.God BlessKate
Good morning all, sorry I’m a little late 🙂 Hope you are all well and keeping your families safe during this time. Be blessed
We’ve arrived late, Rio is asleep, we are all eating second breakfast, there are toys everywhere….maybe this sort of church suits us! But oh how we miss seeing you all.
Hannah is playing with Easter Ressurection Eggs on the ground. Older girls are colouring at the table. Still listening to the sermon as we started a little later. Great sermon Ps Jeff! Passionate, biblical teaching! Love it!
fantastic job, elders and Ps Jeff
thank you for the mountain of work it took to get this up and running
God bless you all
Good morning all. I am now enjoying a great big mug of hot tea after such an uplifting service
Thank you!!
Morning everyone ?
Well Done , to everyone??
Made Church on time for a change.
With morning coffee☕
Interesting, I had Ken in the back ground listening & making odd comments. He helping Kathy via the phone to connect to TV. So in essense Ken went to church for the 1st time?
Stay Healthy
See you next week?
One of the strangest things I have ever had to do, is tape myself alone leading a prayer…THE strangest thing was watching myself, leading myself in prayer! 🙂 Good work Jason!
you did really well.. was that Jesse in the background I could hear?
Yep – had to send him outside – he usually sits next to me – vying for my attention.
Very encouraged by the songs and all that was said, thank you team. Blessings to the Living Waters family!
this from Cynthia Norman on sms..’This was wonderful seeing you all and hearing familiar songs and God’s word. You have all worked hard to get this up for us and deserve ” congratulations’. I would like to say ‘hello’ to all watching but not very technically adept and had trouble so will work on that for next week. May our living Lord bless you as you continue to update each week, Love, in Jesus. Cynthia
I forgot about getting some communion juice so improvised with the teeniest dram of Irish creme!!
We had Appletize 😀
Hello everyone 🙂
Ok try again , does anyone like my profile photo lol ?
Is that an old school photo Yi??? Welcome aboard
Feeling blessed, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you church!
Good service guys. May God bless you all.
Good morning everyone, trusting you have a blessed Easter,
Richard & Carolyn
Hi Church Family, It was lovely to see so many Church family faces in the service this morning. I hope you are enjoying your Easter time. Love Maryann and Shayne.
Good morning church family. What a Glorious Day to be Saved!
Happy Birthday Caitlin and Oakley.
Great service, have a blessed resurrection Sunday as we celebrate the HE IS RISEN!
Good morning church family, thank you to all who prepared the service via web.
Happy birthday Caitlin, Oakley and Emma (tomorrow).
Richard W.
Thank you Simon Karina & Jason. Good morning everyone 🙂 Jayne Chris & Rachael